Tuesday, 29 May 2012


Steelworkers' union embraces worker co-op model

In what is a first for North American unions the United Steelworkers has announced a partnership with the Mondragon co-op giant in Spain to promote the worker co-op model in the U.S. For details see: http://www.thenation.com/blog/167048/worker-ownership-21st-century

TorontotheBetter sees such union-community developments as a necessary and positive evolution of unions to adopt more muscular public policies to address the current crisis in the mainstream economy. Libra worker co-op, the parent of TorontotheBetter, itself adopted the unionized co-op model in 2006 when it joined the Toronto branch of the Industrial Workers of the World.

Stay tuned to the TorontotheBetter blog for more on this important issue.

Monday, 28 May 2012


MEC & Urbane Cyclist at Bike Month 2012

In addition to Urbane Cyclist's numerous events at this year's Bike Month, Mountain Equipment Co-op is hosting a Bikefest at the Distillery District all day on June 23rd. From the Bike Month event page:

"Along with fun and festivities, MEC Bikefest is a hub of knowledge where cyclists new and old can make connections and get the information they need to pursue their passion. Proceeds from this event will be donated to our non-profit partner, the Toronto Cyclists Union."

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Thursday, 10 May 2012



Celebrate International Day for Conscientious Objection by calling on the government to rescind Operational Bulletin 202

Dear supporters of U.S. war resisters in Canada,

You haven't heard from us at the War Resisters Support Campaign recently, but the resisters are still here, living lives of uncertainty, though also filled with the joys of daily living and working. Our work continues. We need your help!

Tuesday, May 15 is the International Day for Conscientious Objection. This is the day we have chosen to revitalize the impact of our campaign, and to press for the elimination of Immigration Minister Kenney's Operational Bulletin 202.

This bulletin, which asks immigration officers to refer the cases of all American war resisters to their superior officers, has effectively stopped the progress of resisters to resident's status in Canada, even when the courts have ruled in their favour. We need you, and anyone else you can recruit to help, to email Immigration Minister Jason Kenney and your MP on May 15.

 At this link http://resisters.ca/, you can do this in one step! It will also go to the relevant Opposition Leaders and critics. You may edit and personalize the letter if you wish. Thanks so much for your help on this day, and for all of the work you have done for war resisters. War Resisters Support Campaign. http://www.resisters.ca/

P.S. Minister Kenney recently claimed that there was no political intervention in the decision to grant a residency permit to Conrad Black. Yet he has consistently intervened in the cases of U.S. soldiers, by directing immigration officers to red-flag them as potential criminals.

We denounce this double standard by the Conservative government, and we call on Minister Kenney to immediately rescind Operational Bulletin 202 so that Iraq War resisters can get a decision without political interference.

If you're in the Toronto area, join us as we write, email, fax, phone, and tweet Minister Kenney. There will be an update on the campaign, as well as refreshments.
WHEN: Tuesday, May 15, 2012, 7:00 p.m.
WHERE: United Steelworkers Hall, 25 Cecil Street, Toronto
WHY: Let Them Stay!

Sunday, 6 May 2012


"Janadesh: People's Verdict" - Tues. May 15 PWYC movie to support the landless in India

WHERE?: OISE (252 Bloor St. West) Room 5-150
WHEN?: 7pm Tues. May 15th
TITLE: Janadesh: People's Verdict
SPEAKER: Movie Director Chandra Siddan who has just returned from India

Janadesh documents a march to New Delhi by thousands in India's poor and landless 
social mvements, to force action from India's parliamentarians. We are calling for 
Canadian support for the new Janadesh march planned to take place in October, 012.

Another in TorontotheBetter's series of PWYC movies for a better Toronto and a better World.
                                              "OUR TORONTO INCLUDES THE WORLD"   

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