Sunday, 6 May 2012
"Janadesh: People's Verdict" - Tues. May 15 PWYC movie to support the landless in India
WHERE?: OISE (252 Bloor St. West) Room 5-150
WHEN?: 7pm Tues. May 15th
TITLE: Janadesh: People's Verdict
SPEAKER: Movie Director Chandra Siddan who has just returned from India
Janadesh documents a march to New Delhi by thousands in India's poor and landless
social mvements, to force action from India's parliamentarians. We are calling for
Canadian support for the new Janadesh march planned to take place in October, 012.
Another in TorontotheBetter's series of PWYC movies for a better Toronto and a better World.
WHEN?: 7pm Tues. May 15th
TITLE: Janadesh: People's Verdict
SPEAKER: Movie Director Chandra Siddan who has just returned from India
Janadesh documents a march to New Delhi by thousands in India's poor and landless
social mvements, to force action from India's parliamentarians. We are calling for
Canadian support for the new Janadesh march planned to take place in October, 012.
Another in TorontotheBetter's series of PWYC movies for a better Toronto and a better World.