Wednesday, 5 February 2025
Social media are the message
Why the working and other classes of America are now led by a rich know-nothing marketer was effectively explained by Thomas Frank in a 2004 book called "What's the Matter with Kansas?" Simplty put, it's about class, and the former champons of the U.S. working class deserted their base. Instead of unions, and opposition to imperialist adventures in foreign lands like Vietnam, led by hypocritical leaders with contradictorily libidinous habits many nostalgically rebounded to 'family values" christianity and mom and pop gun culture cconsolations. Twenty years after Frank had analysed this class desertion by liberal leaders, rich amoral phonies lead America by attacking the wealthy welites they claim not be part of. They grew on the charades of social media, not traditional manufacturing or even the business administration cult. This class betrayal has led to its predictaably resent fueled outcome.
Twenty years later still than Fraank's analysis this class betrayal has led to its predictaably resent fueled outcome the elction of a culrurally excluded social media created outsder with an impulsion to insult the traditional educated elites forever his enemies.Marchall Mcluhan's famous 1964 phrase in his book "Understanding Media" needs a slight update in our age of social media, but the core message holds: the power weilded bythe now richest owners in the world, is based on electronic media and the endless array of advertising sponsored visits they can compel.