Wednesday, 5 February 2025
Beware know-nothing presidents
That the workers of the U.S.A. are now led by a rich know-nothing marketer was explained by Thomas Frank in a 2004 book called "What's the Matter with Kansas: how conservatives won the heart of America?" Simply put, it's about class, and the moment in the 1970’s when former champions of the U.S. working class deserted their base and were supplanted as their models by Ronald Reagan in the U.S. and Margaret Thatcher in England. Sounds familiar again in 2025? Way back then, instead of unions, and opposition to imperialist adventures in foreign lands like Vietnam led by hypocritical leaders with libidinous habits they rebounded to 'family values" Christianity and mom and pop gun culture consolations. Twenty years after Frank analysed this class desertion by liberal leaders rich amoral phonies lead America by attacking the wealthy elites they claim not be part of. They have grown from the charades of social media, not traditional manufacturing or even the cult of business administration. They talk Christ, when it suits them, but they walk corporate wrote Frank.
Twenty years later this class betrayal has led to its predictably resent-fueled outcome - the election of a culturally excluded, social media created, outsider with a desire to spite the traditional educated elite, forever his enemies.