Thursday, 13 July 2023



If the imges above seem a little strange it is likely because more and more stores in Toronto are not accepting them and becoming cashless wiithout a word of explanation or apology, just a fact  that they require their users to adapt to. And for those with credit and debit cards  adapt they will. But for others (the poor) without cards adapt they can't. Another sign that the corporate world of futuristic technology is a war on the poor, whose finance base is coins. It all adds up to another example of what in healthcare are termed the "social determinants of health.". Any form of currency is healtthier than none - it huirts to be poor at all times - but you will llive even shorter and more desperate lives if stores refuse the one form of currency you  sometimes have is coins. To cashless stores TorontotheBtter says, "HAVE A HEART." Make goods free or accept coins as pay,memt.

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