Sunday, 23 February 2020
Cashless enterprises: this "solution" is a problem
CASHLESS STORES: THIS “SOLUTION” IS A PROBLEM Cashlessness sounds cool and it’s a growing trend in Toronto and other
urban centres. Less paper, less clutter, more convenience is the message. So cool and convenient.. but for whom? Look beyond the cool factor and cashless
commerce adds to the gentrification that is making twenty-first century cities increasingly
hostile to poor people, especially the homeless, for whom downtowns have been
historically a kind of refuge, at least compared to the suburbs. Usually
without credit cards or the bank accounts needed for them, cash is the only
kind of money the poor have available to them.
Here’s TorontotheBetter’s suggestion to those cashlessly
attracted. If you’re a store make sure you still allow people to pay with cash, even if you may want
to encourage cashlessness for environmental reasons. And if you’re a customer
of stores promoting cashlessness tell them to think about people for whom cash
is their only option and please give what you can to the many on our streets
who need cash to survive. As for governments committed to social justice and
equality it’s time to ban cashless only enterprise.