Thursday, 26 December 2019


"Homelessness in the GTA" - Cathy Crowe visits Peel Poverty Action Group on Feb.6, 2020

TorontotheBetter is pleased to announce the visit of street nurse Cathy Crowe to the Peel Poverty Action Group (PPAG) at the Knights Table, 287 Glidden Road Unit 4 Brampton, from 2 to 4pm on Thursday Feb.6,2020.Though local homelessness is most closely associated in the public mind with Toronto poverty, its near neighbor, knows no boundaries and non-profit partners like PPAG and Knights Table have long fought to prevent it and its consequences in the Peel region on the western side of Toronto. On February 6 join activist nurse Cathy Crowe to discuss her new book "A Knapsack Full of Dreams", her work with the homelessness and develop plans to fight he problem in Peel region and beyond. This event is free.

TorontotheBetter is a non-profit network of  Toronto area based socially purposed enterprises.                                                                                                                                                               "Our Toronto Includes the GTA"
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