Friday, 3 August 2018


TorontotheBetter Question for Chris Hedges (speaking in Toronto on Aug.27)

What is the Russian translation of "pornification" (Hedges' one-word critique of America's mainstream - everything can be bought and sold - culture)? As is well known, a few years ago Hedges deserted his post as reporter at the New York Times in disgust about the Iraq War and other murderous matters. He now does his reportorial work on the RT (Russia Today) broadcasting platform that is an undisguised propaganda arm of the Russian state. It is possible that Hedges can square his RT platform with his morality but to date there has been little evidence of how, or if, he does that, in the face of various provocations like annexation of Crimea and high profile poisonings.

Silence on Russia's nefarious activities need not amount to an acceptance of similar moral violations by Hedges' home country; his refined moral sensibility means he should know that. Neither of these big states are either communist or socialist and to what extent they are even democracies is a question many ponder. But to ask difficult questions is what Hedges has long argued for and often done. Will Toronto do the asking of Hedges when he speaks here at the Reference Library on August 27 at 7pm?

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