Sunday, 16 July 2017


As Whole Foods Degrades Better Food Shopping Options Survive in the GTA

A supermarket with a good food mission - Mississauga's Goodness Me location continues the tradition of social commerce this Canadian enterprise started in downtown Hamilton in the 1980's.
As American natural foods giant Whole Foods (aka "whole pay cheque") disappears into the jaws of predator capitalist Amazon a different story can be found in less glamorous surroundings in the GTA. It is not the practice of TorontotheBetter to make recommendations among featured enterprises but as former "ethical" enterprise options erode an example of evolved commercial integrity in the GTA should not be ignored. Founded in downtown Hamilton over 20  years ago and now present in the Mississauga and several other locations in southern Ontario, fair trade enterprise Goodness Me! commits to creating "the healthiest offering possible" and acting with "integrity, respect, and sincerity" while working with its customers, staff and suppliers.       

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