Sunday, 30 June 2013


TorontotheBetter joins global protest of Gap and Walmart rejection of Banagladesh anti-sweatshop accord

TorontotheBetter representatives joined protestors outside Gap stores on Queen Street and Bloor Street on June 29, 2013 and thousands worldwide outraged at the recent garment factory disaster in Bangladesh where 1,000 workers died and 1,000 more were injured. We heard from Bangladeshi speakers about the conditions of garment workers earning mere cents hourly in factories without basic health and safety standards making wearables for globalized garment companies with stores in Toronto and across Canada. While some companies, including H&M and others, have now agreed to join an accord legislating health and safety inspections for Bangladesh garment factories (over 75% of the global garment industry), others, most notably Walmart and Gap, have not. Public pressure must ensure they do. 

A better economy means a better society for all and sweatshops are not part of either. An injury to one is an injury to all. For more information about Gap and sweatshop  issues worlwide see:   

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