Monday, 29 October 2012


Mayworks Festival Open Call for Submissions 2013 Festival

Mayworks Festival Open Call for Submissions 2013 Festival

Deadline: November 5, 2012

Mayworks Festival - Toronto is pleased to invite submissions for its 28th
festival season. Applications are accepted from groups and individuals in a
range of disciplines, including: visual art, music/ poetry, film, video,
interdisciplinary, and theatre.

Mayworks Festival is a multi-disciplinary arts festival that celebrates
cultural production working class culture. Mayworks Festival seeks to
showcase high calibre art by artists at all stages in their careers that are
politically and socially engaged with labour realities. We are especially
committed to providing a platform to support the underrepresented labor of
indigenous peoples, people with disabilities, migrants, women,
queer-identified people, people of color, and youth.

Our program committee is guided by our equity policy that recognizes the
systemic discrimination and injustices faced by equity-seeking groups.
Mayworks Festival is not a funding body, we work in partnership with unions
and co-presenters to present events that fit our mandate. We are committed
to paying artists’ fees.

Submissions will not be accepted after the deadline date: Nov. 5, 2012.
Proposals selected will be notified by email by December 2012. The festival
dates (TBD) will be in early May 2013.

Questions about the application process, contact Dianah Smith at . Organizations interested in co-sponsoring an event at Mayworks Festival, contact Nausheen Quayyum at .


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