Sunday, 25 March 2012


Good Catch MircoLoans!

From Jola Sobolak of Good Catch General Store, an impressive micro loan programme:

Dear Friend: I have been thrilled to realize how MicroLoans are possible...Good Catch is a Community Store with a heart and soul...please kindly review below about the possibility of a MicroLoan to enable your community store to keep on keeping on in stronger ways!

Pass on this message to someone you know or please contact me if you may be interested in a quick support with a thank you from within your community! People have already come aboard! Please consider the support and hope you understand that it will, in turn, support you! Yours, Jola.


For your Good Catch Micro Loan:

$500 on this day: xxxx, 2012

Payable to "Jola's Good Catch General Store", 1556 Queen St. West, Toronto M6R 1A6 416-533-4664

Here's How It Works:

Within 3 months the Micro Loan is Paid Back with $50 Thank You Bonus and 7%-off store purchase card.

Within 2 weeks of start of Micro Loan, you will receive 5 cheques* each at $100 and dated 2 weeks apart starting 2 weeks after start of Micro Loan. The 7%-off store purchase card** expires at the end of the 4th calendar month from date of loan and its return grants you your Thank You Bonus stated above which will be written on the back of the card.

*cheques can be redeemable to pay off an accumulated Good Catch tab (yes we do tabs!)

*cheques can be redeemable for CASH upon their date at the store (please bring your I.D.)

*cheques can be deposited into your bank account upon date on cheque

**7%-off store purchase card valid for any purchases within store until card expiry (which corresponds to end of Micro Loan)

**7%-off store purchase card can be redeemed at their expiry for value stated on back of card at time of return (please bring your I.D.)

Thank you once again! You are making a good thing happen!

Power to the Community! Spread the Word!

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She owes me money and never paid me back!
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