Monday, 20 June 2011


Container Gardening Workshop at Beit Zatoun

Beit Zatoun House is having a seasonal and topical event this Saturday afternoon...From Container to Plate is a workshop on container gardening:

"Never too Late (in the season) or too Small (a space) to...
Grow herbs, tomatoes, other edibles - on your balcony, window-sill, anywhere!

No gardening experience necessary. All are welcome
Learn the "how to's" of container gardening; bring home a new edible garden.

Materials provided: potting soil, seeds, seedlings

To bring:
- Small container for planting and take home (e.g. yogurt or take-out container)
- admission "Olive Tree" to be planted in Palestine.
- Each $5 donation buys a 3-year-old seedling to be planted by the Trees for Life Palestine program. All proceeds will be donated."


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