Monday, 17 January 2011


Bajo Suelos/Under Rich Earth kicks off 2011 movie series - Tues. Jan.25th

2011 – 6TH ANNUAL TorontotheBetter MOVIE SERIES

With Toronto gearing up for its role as host of the 2015 Pan-Am Games the 6th annual TorontotheBetter Pay What You Can movie series features movies on themes of mutual interest to Torontonians and Latin America, from the impact of Canadian mining on indigenous farmers, to the plight of aboriginal inhabitants. Through its collaboration with Toronto’s Hispanic Council TorontotheBetter is working to ensure that the Pan-Am Games process brings benefits to all Torontonians, especially Toronto’s in many cases marginalized Latino community. Contribute to a better Pan-Am process by attending our 2011 movie series and learning more. As usual, a question and answer session with movie producers follows each of our screenings.


Our first screening of 2011 is Under Rich Earth by Canadian director Malcolm Rogge on Tues. Jan.25, 2011. 7pm – OISE, Room 2-150 (252 Bloor St. West @ Bedford) Canada has one of the biggest mining industries in the world, and many Canadian mines are in South America. As Toronto prepares for the 2015 Pan-Am Games we should know more about the effects of foreign mining on the people of the South. Our first Pay What You Can movie of 2011, Under Rich Earth/Bajo Suelos Ricos, tells us about the resistance of sugarcane farmers in Ecuador to the threat to their way of life posed by Ascendant Copper of Canada. ** Malcolm Rogge, the director of Under Rich Earth will be on hand to talk about the movie and answer questions.
MOVIE Under Rich Earth is a story about ordinary people with extraordinary courage. In a remote mountain valley in Ecuador, coffee and sugarcane farmers face the dismal prospect of being forced off their land to make way for a mining project. Unprotected by the police and ignored by their government, they prepare to face down the invaders on their own. Their resistance ultimately leads to a remarkable and dangerous stand off between farmers and a band of armed paramilitaries deep in the cloud forest. In a world dominated by news of massacres and terrorism, Under Rich Earth is a surprising and poignant tale of hope and determination.

Bajo Suelos Ricos

¿Qué pasa cuando una compañía minera virtualmente desconocida recauda millones de dólares en Toronto para financiar un proyecto en Ecuador, el cual campesinos locales están determinados a frenar? ¿Hasta dónde irá la compañía para imponer su visión de progreso y obtener ganancias? Bajo Suelos Ricos cuenta la historia de un extraordinario choque entre familias campesinas y la poderosa industria minera global. En un remoto valle en Ecuador, campesinos se enfrentan con la posibilidad de serán forzados a dejar sus tierras fértiles para abrir camino a un proyecto minero. Determinados a defender la tierra que ha sido colonizada por sus abuelos, ellos se unen y arriesgan sus vidas para detener la compañía minera. Su resistencia los lleva a un histórico enfrentamiento con un bando de paramilitares armados y escondidos en el bosque nublado. Apasionado y provocativo, Bajo Suelos Ricos trae las voces críticas de las personas cuyas comunidades están divididas por fuerzas globales.


NOTE: A portion of PWYC proceeds from the movie will go to the Junin Distance Education fund for the residents of the affected area and to set up a fund for sports facilities in Toronto’s Latino neighbourhoods.

NOTE 2: Our 2011 movie series is in partnership with the Toronto Hispanic Council


See below for our full schedule of movies from January to April 2011

Director / Speaker
Movie Info

January 25 –7pm in room 2-150 at OISE(252 Bloor St. West)
Under Rich Earth / Bajo Suelos Ricos (1)
Malcolm Rogge

96 min
Ecuador, Canada, 2008

February 22 – 7pm in Room 5-280 at OISE (252 Bloor St. West)
Cuba’s Green Revolution
Luis García and Laura Heller / Alvaro Venturelli
45 min
Cuba, Canada, 2007

March 22 – 7pm in Room 5-280 at OISE (252 Bloor St. West)
Matices (2): Toronto premiere
Araón Díaz / Janet McLaughlin
60 min
Mexico, Canada, 2010

April 12 – venue TBA
El Juicio de Pascual Pichún
María Teresa Larraín / David Sablosky
65 min
Chile, 2008


We are pleased to say that audience members at our Jan.25th screening of Under Rich Earth contributed generously to the Junin Distance Education Fund and, topped up by TorontotheBetter, we are able to send $100 to Carlos Zorilla, one of the Junin residents featured in the movie.
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