Wednesday, 3 December 2008


Toronto Rally for a Progressive Coalition


Saturday, December 6, 2008

12:00 noon

Toronto City Hall, Nathan Phillips Square

Bring Canadian flags and placards supporting jobs and justice!

Across Canada, people will be taking to the streets this week to demand the replacement of the illegitimate Harper government with a coalition that will make its first priority tackling the growing economic crisis. Starting in Ottawa on Thursday, rallies will be held in twelve major cities to express the will of the people for change.

It is expected that the Conservatives will utilize every dirty trick possible to cling to power, and they too are organizing rallies this Saturday. They will also be whipping up anti-Quebec prejudice and using talk shows, right wing newspapers, and their immense data base to sway public opinion.

We are in an unprecedented period of Canadian history. The Stephen Harper wrecking crew inherited from the Mike Harris days – Jim Flaherty, Tony Clement, John Baird and Guy Giorno – were willing to turn their backs on those losing jobs or pensions. The true Stephen Harper emerged, cynically attempting to impose a hard-right agenda of dismantling the public sector, attacking worker rights and women's equality, and hoping to cripple the opposition parties.

We need a coalition government that will address the economic crisis – including saving jobs, investing in infrastructure and a green economy, restoring EI, protecting pensions and respecting our cultural sector.

For up to the minute details, go to To connect to facebook, look up Rally for A Progressive Coalition.

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