Monday, 25 August 2008


CLC requests input re: Annual Report of Trade union Violations

A message from the Canadian Labour Congress:

We are in the process of updating the information concerning Canada in the
International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) Annual Report of Trade Union Violations.

This important annual report is the source for much of the evidence used by
trade unions worldwide and at the International Labour Organization's Annual Conferences.

In the case of Canada, it provides information on federal as well as
provincial and territorial legislation.

You can access the report covering the year 2006 in English here.

We would appreciate if you could quickly review the 2006 report as well as the guidelines
attached (which give some sample paragraphs), and provide us with your updates, comments, etc.
for the year 2007 as a matter of urgency.

We appreciate your assistance, and please don't hesitate to contact us if you have any questions
(W: 1-613-526-7433)


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