Tuesday, 6 March 2007


Part of the Solution...OISE/UT researcher presents case study of WindShare


The Community Development Collaborative Program (UT), the Transformative Learning Centre, the Social Economy Centre and the Adult Education and Community Development Program (OISE/UT) present...

"Part of the Solution":
The role of community-based green co-operatives in advancing sustainable development and energy literacy

Fiona Duguid,
WindShare Co-operative and doctoral candidate (WALL research assistant), University of Toronto

Tuesday, April 10, 2007
12.00-1.30 pm
OISE/UT, 252 Bloor St West
Room 7-162

After five years of development, WindShare Co-operative in Toronto, Ontario became the first urban wind turbine in North America and the first co-operatively owned and operated wind turbine in Canada. The development of WindShare Co-operative has spurred the growth of a green energy co-operative sector in Ontario.

This presentation, which draws on 27 interviews and a focus group with members of WindShare Co-operative, focuses on the roles of community-based green energy co-operatives in advancing sustainable energy development and energy literacy.

Fiona Duguid is completing her doctorate in the Adult Education department at the Ontario Institute for the Study of Education at the University of Toronto. Her research looks at sustainable energy development through green energy co-operatives. She is working with WindShare Co-operative and with the Toronto Renewable Energy Co-operative.


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