Tuesday, 6 February 2007



A second item of note today from Rhonda Sussman and the Centre for the Study of Education and Work (CSEW). FirstOntario *used to* be part of TorontoTheBetter...


A bargaining unit of 70 women in Hamilton, Ontario have been on strike for four months now. Ironically they are on strike against a credit union which was started by unions to protect their members from the banks.

Times have changed though and their employer is now run by management who come from the banking sector and who aspire to create their own little empire - by gouging their employees and demanding massive concessions at the bargaining table. These clawbacks include demands to give up sick days and retirement benefits as well as job security.

Take 30 seconds from your day to send an e-mail in support of these women at:

(if the link above is broken, go to http://www.labourstart.org/ and look for the ActNOW! box in green on the left)
FYI...yes, John Lahey was absolutely in charge during the FirstOntario Credit Union strike. Good luck with him in charge...you will need it!
John Lahey sat up in his tower and looked down at us pee-ons and laughed for 9 months. We have been through 3 seasons...minus 30 degree weather, now plus 30 degree weather. We are standing tall. Many of us have had major personal matters happen in our lives, but we are standing together. Good luck to Alterna and Toronto with their newly acquired scum.....good riddence.
Support and solidarity to First Ontario workers, from this Toronto Indusrial Workers of the World (Wobbly) member.
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