Monday, 26 June 2023


Cashlessness - a war on the poor

If the World Economic Forum, breathing clean air in its European headquarters, likes something it’s probably better for business than people..And they do like the cashlessness that more and more businesses in Toronto, like other international cities, are now imposing, Wrapped as it is in the guise of an infecction free tehnologically advanced post- COVID commerce seeks unconscious acceptamce by all.  Requiring cashlessness, stores  deepen the plight of the already economically excluded (the poor), for whom coins are usually the only form of currency available/when they do have some. TorontotheBetter calls on shoppers to boycott cashless stores and tell them to consider, and be fair to,  the truly cashless, those without money of any kind. A better Toronto  is a Toronto for all, whatever their cash capacities. If enterprises don't like coins let them give shoppers other ways to pay.   

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