Monday, 17 October 2022


Evin Prison burns, and Iran with it, as protests grow following Mahsa Amini's murder: TorontotheBetter sends solidarity greetings to protestors

 Working for a better world requires exposing worse worlds...everywhere.

In late 2022 TorontotheBetter correspondents from around the world tell us of reactionary regimes running against history’s tide of human emancipation from barriers person made. The Islamic regime in Iran, a reaction to its monarchic predecessor, has outraged groups worldwide by the murder of Ahsa Amini and is now confronted by a coalition of groups within its own jurisdiction. Amini's murder in custody for a minor offence against the country’s “moral” clothing regulations has provoked global condemnation against the Islamic Republic of Iran. “Women, Life Freedom” say solidarity banners in the U.S.A. and other countries but if the protest is limited to narrow gender and ethnic issues. even if successful in toppling a regime that violates basic rights common to democratic jurisdictions globally it will not achieve real freedom; may pave the way for a return to the secular viciousness of the country's former times. The feelgood vibrations promoted by mainstream media’s recent fawning over the death of England’s late queen provide a convenient cover for the likely reactionary replacements of Iran’s Islamism, but real revolutionary freedom must be for everybody, not just for sectors of the establishment. Iran’s revolutionary Islamic regime, arose, we recognize, after the vicious excesses of the former Shah’s monarchy. TorontotheBetter seeks a genuinely better world that avoids compromise with reactionary regimes against other reactionary regimes.  The enemy of my enemy is not necessarily my friend.

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