Sunday, 29 August 2021


VISA - the credit card you never understood

Those of us who have been using the little bit of plastic the brand name VISA is written on it have been underestimating the workaholic VISA. According to the card's latest advertising campaign nothing as crude as a tool to exploit the barely solvent crosses its plastic nind. No, in case you haven't realized it yet VISA is a "network." If blog are at this point getting a whiff of Mark Zuckerberg's understanding of Facebook as an altruistic friend enabler they may in fact be on the track of the real VISA: usury. It is no worse than other credit cards, which all explot the indebted with their unconscionable interest rates but for all the antisepsis of the network word, as a punitive credit tool VISA thrives on facilitating consumption and unless you are missing in cognitive action conumerism, is the fuel that keeps populations speeding towards environmenmtal catastrophe. If recognition and acceptance of reality is a necessary precondition for financial prudence then the wise should put their hands to their ears when VISA's siren network comes serenading. Just as "friends" by other names, such like escorts do not smell as sweet VISA'S network will be less beguiling if replaced by a less sugar coated variant.

Tuesday, 24 August 2021


National public daycare now!

Canada has waited too long for affordable public daycare.

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