Thursday, 21 January 2021


Keystone XL cancellation and our social eonomic future

Whatever the final outcomw of the removal of sleazy Donald Trump from the Presidency of the U.S.A. and his replacement by "sleepy" Joe Biden, the cancellation of fossil fuel projects like the Keystone XL piprline (champiomed by neoliberals like Jason Kenny, premier of of Alberta) is a massive opportunity for Canada to reset its energy future in more sustainable i directions.TorontotheBetter calls on Canadian social economy supporters everywhere to ensure Canada avoids more fossil fuel projects. Now is a special moment for advancing a truly sustainable, Social, economy in Canada.

Tuesday, 5 January 2021


Pfizer wins the vaccine race, but do we?

With the COVID-19 virus directing public agendas everywhere, the poor and sick dying in large numbers and all nations depennt on big pharma for solutions", that is for-profit private corporations called Pfizer, and Moderna,the world has reached a logical terminus to the neolibrtal evonomics of profit maximization and government minimization that has dominated most "developed" countries since the last quarter of the 20th century. To fight the inevitable next pandemic, prevention must be the goal and non-profit/public investmeht the means, if we are not to cntribute billions more of public funds to already rich shareholders for purposes other than the public Better.

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