Wednesday, 25 November 2020


Toronto's long term care residents continue to suffer and die - bleeding heart scrooges are not enough


Tuesday, 24 November 2020


Support Public transit - Tuesday Dec.1 virtual rally

TorontotheBetter calls on all  to support TTCRiders’ digital Transit is Essential rally for safe, reliable and affordable public 7.30pm on Tuesday Dec.1.For details about this and other actions for Toronto actions visit and

                             A better Toronto requires better public services AND better enterprise. 

Sunday, 1 November 2020


TODAY, November 1 - TorontotheBetter in solidarity with women's right to choose movement in Poland

At 2pm today at the Polish consulate 2603 Lake Shore Blvd. West, Toronto, join protesters against a proposed law effectively banning abortion in Polamd. The Polssh women's protest Strajk Kobiet! [Women Strike] is taking a stand for people of all countries who support women's right to choose.    

For details see:


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