Monday 27 July 2020


New listings added to the TorontotheBetter directory, Toronto's social shopping information centre

Steinman Transportation (worker owned transportation company) PATCH (construction hoarding street art), and Charlie’s Free Wheels (youth targeted bike education).
See for details.

Wednesday 22 July 2020


Today July 22nd at 11am: Rally with OCAP in support of Housing for All and Homeless Rights

As market housing in Toronto gets ever more unaffordable and affordable housing ever harder to find TorontotheBetter calls on all to show support for the un-housed and de-housed. 
11AM -,129 Peter Street, Toronto

Monday 20 July 2020


We're NOT all in this together

It's pretty common to hear heart-warming statements of social solidarity these days of pandemic but like pandemics of times past, though anyone can be infected the fatal consequences are tilted against the poor, as recent COVID demographics have clearly shown. The poor and socially excluded are worst hit as inequality does the tilting. The only difference from the "old normal" is that COVID outcomes arrive quicker than the usually drawn out daily grind of stress and shortage that is the norm for the socio-economically excluded, aka the poor. Our primary need for avoiding future pandemics and their unbalanced results,TorontotheBetter affirms, is to rid ourselves of inequaliity, combining private and public sectors in an organic social economy where human need is the overriding priority.                

Monday 13 July 2020


Fix Long Term Care now!

The recent COVID-19 death toll in for-profit long term care homes in Ontario should act as a reminder of the broader ongoing absurdity of a public health care system that excludes drug costs and dental care. Crisis is opportunity so TorontotheBetter supports the #fixLTCFord campaign of the Ontario Health Coalition ( for a radical transformation of long term care in Ontario. Profit making and health care are contradictory and a fragmented and fractured “Care” system is not a care system.

Sunday 5 July 2020


Canada's mounted police men

No prize for understanding what these figures from Canada's past have in common. The problem is an up to date picture may not look very different. 


Co-ops show the way to sustainable development

Created in the 19th century to bring economic justice to the industrial working class co-operatives still have lessons for a "post-industrial" world threatened by racial divisions and environmental extinction. Working together equitably and democratically is a principle today's globalized world has yet to adopt as its guide. The international day of co-operatives [] is a timely reminder of all that co-ops have to offer mainstream society. As a programme of Toronto-based worker co-op Libra Knowledge and Information Services [], TorontotheBettter [] calls on all to contact the local co-operative federation for in their area of the world for aid and advice and to follow our blog for news about progressive enterprise in Toronto and beyond.      

Saturday 4 July 2020


Shocking revelations about “Prince Andrew”? Same old royal behaviour

No matter the so-called constituional monarchy that is the so-called “United“ Kingdom, ruled by a Queen, not a king, the “Royal Family” has always been above the law and long engaged in abuse of minors and women, not to say, anybody who got in their way. It is a murderous, abusive history of exploitation for which the current Queen Elizabeth now serves as a clean-up agent. Let nobody be fooled. The royals and their large salaries are the heirs of killers and abusers. All monarchies should be removed.

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